Academic Intervention Services
Advanced Courses Access
Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Exam Fees for Low-Income Students
Allowances to State-Supported Schools for the Blind, Deaf, SeverelyÌýPhysically Disabled and Severely Emotionally Disturbed
Breakfast After the Bell
Career and Technical Education Improvement Act (CTEIA) CriminalÌýOffender
Career and Technical Education Improvement Act (Perkins IV) Title I Basic Grants for Secondary and Adult Career and Technical Education Programs
Charter Schools
Charter Schools Converted from Public Schools
Clinically Rich Intensive Teacher Institute Bilingual Extension and English to Speakers of Other Languages
Community Schools
Community School Regional Technical Assistance Centers
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - (DACA)
Education of Children with Disabilities
English Language Learner Class Reduction Pilot Program
Expand Mental Health Services and Capacity of Community School Programs
Extended Learning Time
Extended School Day/ School Violence Prevention Program (ESD/SVP)
Full and Half Day Prekindergarten for 3 Year Old Children
Full and Half Day Prekindergarten for 3 and 4 Year Old Children
Gang Prevention and Education Programs
Health Education Program
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Math and Science High Schools
Mentoring and Tutoring
Migrant Education
National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
91°µÍøÆƽâ°æ Center for School Safety
Nonpublic Mandated Services Aid
Nonpublic School STEM Programs
Persistently Struggling Schools Grants
​Postsecondary Education Aid for Native Americans
Removing Barriers to CTE Programs for ELL's and SWDÌýGrant
Say Yes to Education
School Lunch Programs That Have Purchased at Least 30% of Their Total Food Products from NYS Farmers, Growers, Producers, or Processors
Smart Start Computer Science
Special Milk Program
State School Immunization Program (SSIP)
Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten Program
Summer Food Program
Sumer Food Services Program (SFSP)
Supportive Schools Grant Program
​Targeted Prekindergarten (TPK)
Teen Health Fund
The Children's Institute (formerly the Primary Mental Health Project)
Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies
Title I, Part A - School Improvement - Accountability
Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children
Title I, Part D - Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk, Subpart I - State Agency Programs and Subpart 2 Local Agency Programs
Title I, Part G Advance Placement Test Fee Program
Title I, Section 1003(g)
Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principle Training and Recruiting Fund (Formula)
Title II, Part B - Mathematics and Science Partnerships
Title III, LanguageÌýInstruction for English Language Learners Students
Title VI, Part B - 21stÌýCentury Community Learning Centers
Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 - Rural and Low-Income School Program
Title X, Part C - Homeless EducationÌý